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Catechism Camp of Gujarat Parishes & ‘Kairos’- MCYM Bhopal Region Meet

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these”. Matthew 19:14

October, 19 being the Extra Ordinary Mission Month declared by Holy Father call us to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with all people, to be in prayers and action and to renew our missionary commitment. Personal encounter with Jesus Christ living in His Church, biblical, catechetical, spiritual and theological formation, missionary charity etc. are the main themes of this month.

Catechism Children of Ahmedabad, Baroda, Vapi & Surat and Youth of Bhopal Region and the entire Malankarites in Gujarat are fortunate enough to observe the Mission Month in a special way. Three days of October, 25, 26 & 27 are remarkable especially for the catechism students and MCYM members of Bhopal, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Baroda, Vapi and Surat as it revitalised, renewed and reawakened them through Catechism Camp and ‘Kairos”-   Regional Meet, Retreat and Kaloltsavam of MCYM.  On Sunday, 27th Oct, there was common Holy Mass for all parishes in Gujarat, the main celebrant was Rev Fr R Alexander Kallukalayil, MCYM Regional Director and Rev Fr Devasia Kuthirakallil, MCYM Diocesan Director, Rev Fr Binoy George OIC, Rev Fr Saiju Kurien OIC were the con-celebrants. Rev Brothers from Bethany Ashram, Pune, who led the Catechism Camp assisted the liturgy in a solemn way.

Inspired by the call of Holy Father in the mission month for missionary charity, MCYM members collected a sum of Rs 20k as a token of mission aid and was handed over to Rev Fr Devasia Kuthirakallil, MCYM Director of Diocese.

Surat Parish was proud enough to host this residential mega event wherein 150+ children and youth and parents of Bhopal Region participated. The event is conducted observing Green Protocol as per the Karma Path of both MCA & MCYM and the message –“Say No to Plastic” was conveyed not only in words but also in deeds.

On the concluding day of Sunday, Rev Fr Devasia Kuthirakallil expressed vote of thanks for making the event a grand success and prize distribution to the winners of various games and cultural programs were distributed by Rev Fr Ani Zachariah, OIC, Rev Sr Blessy OSS, official representatives/animators of Catechism, MCYM, MCA etc.

MCYM overall trophy was jointly won by Baroda and Surat. First prize for Catechism won by Surat followed by Ahmedabad.

Delicious food and snacks for all these days were organised under the initiative of Mathruvedi and Pithruvedi of Surat Parish. Copies of the Message to the Youth by Pope Francis –“ Christus Vivit” were given to MCYM members and Student’s Prayer to St. Chavara were given to Catechism students

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