Declare his glory among the nations; his marvellous deeds among all people”- Psalm 96:3
Inorder to fulfill the commitments as per the Karmapath of MCA for 2019-20, mission centres of Odisha Region were visited by Mr Reji Thomas, Secretary of the Parish and President of MCA, Gurgaon Diocese and Mr P.G.James, President of MCA Bhopal Region alongwith the members from Delhi, Bhopal and Raipur during 23rd to 25th Aug,19
As a token of love, T Shirts, educationa/liturgical kits ,dress materials, prayer mats/carpets etc were distributed to the mission centres during the visit and school bags, shoes, etc were also given to the Mission during the school opening time.
Under the leadership of Central Committee of MCA Career Guidance cum Motivational Training program was conducted by Dr Ajit Varwandkar, Director, My Agalakadam Academy of Guidance & Counselling P Ltd, renowned training & guidance firm of the country. 50+ Youth from Odisha, Bilaspur & Raipur participated in the program