Surat Parish jointly with MCA, Gurgaon Diocese, MCA Bhopal Region and Mr Jojo Mathew, Chief Executive Director of M/s ALS Pvt Ltd, Delhi which is India’s renowned and one among the largest institute for Civil Service coaching conducted Career Guidance program at Mary Matha Bethany School Auditorium on Sunday, 23rd June,19 from 10.30 am to 2 pm. Around 120 students studying in Class IX to XII from Syro Malabar, Marthomite, Orthodox, Jacobite churches in Surat and their parents attended the program. Children from Baroda and Ahmedabad parishes alongwith their parents also participated.
Rev Fr Ani Zachariah,OIC blessed the gathering and the function with prayers. Mr Reji Thomas, President, MCA and Secretary of Church welcomed the gathering. Mr Mathew C.C, Former Secretary of the Parish and Principal of Good Shepherd English School, Kim, Surat made the introductory speech
In line with policy of the MCA and of Church to “Say No to Plastics” to protect the environment and to have bio diversity pens made out of recycled paper filled with seeds of vegetables and plants were given to participants so as to make them aware of the urging need of environmental protection. After usage of the pen, it can be planted as such and seeds will grow. Tasty food prepared from the parishioner’s home under the leadership of Mathruvedi was the special attraction of the day.
Apart from arranging a common platform for bringing together the future generation of all Christian communities of Surat in our Church, it was an ecumenical conclave of togetherness and happiness of all those who worship our Lord Christ.