Concluding ceremony of MCYM Golden Jubilee Celebrations was conducted on 31st March after Holy Mass. Mr. Renny Raj Thevarthotathil – Former President MCYM Central Secretariat & Ex Officio Member of Global MCYM was the Chief Guest. The program was inaugurated by Vicar & Unit Director Rev. Fr. Ani Zachariah,OIC.
The Action Plan of 2019 -2020 -“Karma Path”was released by Chief Guest , Unit Director and Unit President Mr Jobin John. Later Sr.Blessy, OSS, Sister in charge of MCYM,Bhopal Region read out the plan and declared the Karmapath as launched.

It is the first time in the history of Surat Unit that 8 new members were formally inducted to the Unit. They were formally welcomed by handing over rose flowers.

Senior MCYM members and MCYM members who had exhibited exemplary life achievements were specially honoured with mementos.
Mr Reji Thomas who was elected as the President, MCA Gurgaon Diocese and Mr P.G.James, elected as Executive Member, MCA were honoured with shawl. Mementos were presented to Diocese Animator Mr. Shaji Mathew for visiting all the units in our Diocese and to Mrs Ammini Reji, President, Mathruvedi for her unstinted support to the Unit.

MCCL members dedicated a song to honour MCYM.

Mr Reji Thomas, Trustee & MCA President, Gurgaon Diocese, Mr C.C.Mathew, Secretary, Mr Jobin John, Unit President, Mr Sijo Mathew, Former Member and Mr. Reny Raj Thevaratotathil, Chief Guest spoke on the occasion. Ms Nima Mathew, expressed vote of thanks. The program was concluded by lowering the MCYM flag. After the program there was a short session of interaction with Mr. Reny Raj to know more about MCYM and his experiences.
There was high tea sponsored by MCYM and served to all those participated