Parish Day and thanks giving Holy Mass was held on Sunday 10.02.19. Rev Fr Ani Zachariah, OIC, vicar, celebrated Holy Mass dedicating all the members of the parish. After refreshments, meeting and cultural programs commenced at 10 am at Bethany Centenary Memorial Hall of Mary Matha Public School. Riya Rajesh & Reni Rejesh kick started the function with their awesome prayer dance followed by lamp lighting by Vicar, Sisters, Trustee, Secretary and other office bearers.
Mr C.C. Mathew welcomed the gathering and key note address was given by Rev Fr Ani Zachariah, OIC. Reports of parish organisations ,MCCL, MCYM, Mathruvedi, Pithruvedi & MCA were presented by Rev Sr Blessy, OSS, Ms.Nima Mathew, Mrs.Betsy Thomas, Mr P.G.James & Mrs.Shanty James respectively.

The Parable of the Ten Virgins, according to the Gospel of Mathew 25:1-13 , was that the five virgins who are prepared for the bridegroom’s arrival are rewarded, while the five who are not prepared are disowned The parable has a clear eschatological theme, i.e., be prepared for the Day of Judgement . Dramatic presentation of this well-known parable of our Lord Jesus, done by Mathruvedi Team was marvelous and applauded by all.

On behalf of Pithruvedi, Mr Shaji Mathew delivered thought provoking message in a comedial way.
Song of the representative of nursery group, Master Albert Lopus attracted all in a special way and got many applauses and claps. Songs of MCCL students Aneeta Sibi & Anaya Sibi and Aleena James & Alona Thomas were highly appreciated. Skits and dances were performed by MCCL & MCYM. Group Song by Mathruvedi and solo song by Mr E.U.Varghese and Mr Anil Varghese added colours to the event.
Mr.Reji Thomas, Trustee expressed vote of thanks and meeting concluded with papal anthem.
Masters Jacob John & Jason Shebi in the traditional dress code were masters of the ceremony.

Members from the nearby Pramukh Park Society were specially invited and they too participated and mingled with our community with full vigour and joy.

Lip smacking enjoyment of the sumptuous lunch containing the varieties of Kerala dishes prepared by Mathruvedi members in their own respective houses had the special effect on this year’s Parish Day