
Mathew 25:40 –“Truly , I tell you, Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”
Like that of previous year, Mother Theresa Home for lepers and destitutes at Variav was visited on 13th Jan,2019 after Holy Mass under the initiative of Pithruvedi. Mr C.C. Mathew, Secretary, Mr Reji Thomas, Trustee, Mr P.G.James, President, Pithruvedi, Mr Babu Joshua, President, MCA and Mr Monachan Abraham,Secretary, MCA attended. Lunch for all the 300+ inmates on that day was sponsored by Pithruvedi. The inmates and Rev Sisters welcomed the delegates with immense pleasure and gratitude. The inmates thanked and prayed to Lord for the food and for showering abundant blessings to the Malankara community in Surat