“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Mathew 19:14 Catechism Residential Camp for…
Rev Sr Sosamma, OSS, Provincial Superior of Holy Spirit congregation was welcomed to the parish by Mr PG James, President, Pithruvedi by giving floral bouquet.…
Corinthians 5:8 -” Let us celebrate the festival not with the old bread of wickedness and evil but with the new bread of sincerity and…
Our catechism exam coming on 2nd Dec, 2018
Pastoral council meeting held on 7th & 8th Nov,2018 at New Delhi. Mr Reji Thomas, Vice President ,MCA Gurgaon Diocese & Trustee of Parish, Mr…
Our next food distribution to poor will occur on Sunday, 25th Nov, 2018.
Catechism Vacation Camp coming up for Gujarat Region. Date: 16th Nov to 18th Nov Surat
Ecumenical Singing Competition – 6th Jan, 2019
November 2, 2018 Following families are being dedicated and specially prayed:Mr Reji Thomas & familyMr T.U.Kuruvilla & familyMrs Smitha Xavier & familyMr. Kunjumon Thomas &…